Rosenshine’s Principles of Instruction have probably had a bigger effect on my teaching than any number of CPD sessions, lesson observations or blog posts. To me they represent masterful, systematic teaching geared and optimised to enable long-term learning. I wanted to share them with my BPP students and put together a basic lesson observation template to try and help them pick out his principles in observed lessons.

I posted a picture of it to Twitter which got quite a bit more loving than I anticipated so I’ve put a soft copy up here. I’m more than happy for anyone to use it but that’s on condition that you let me know how you get on or if you have any feedback!

S10 Rosenshine


Principles of Instruction

Oliver Caviglioli’s summary poster (I have one stuck to my desk at work – I glued it over some Bloom’s sentence starter prompt sheet or something)

I’m pretty sure Greg Ashman’s blog is where I was first directed to the Principles. If you aren’t following it you should be.

A lot of this is very craft-y in terms of where it fits in teacher practice. I recommend Doug Lemov’s stuff on this too. I’m unaware of any conscious link (though I am no expert in TLAC) but I know when I have perused that there is quite a good overlap.